Awhi Mai Te Atatū has a moemoeā to build capability and pathways to healthier living through collective efforts, fostering a flourishing taiao and a proud and more connected hāpori. They aspire to be part of a thriving community that embodies the values of kotahitanga and aroha in harmony with te taiao, believing in the potential of hāpori to pave the way for better outcomes for tāngata, whenua, awa, and moana.
To complement the māra kai and to raise awareness about rethinking waste within the Te Atatū community, they started a whakawairākau/composting kaupapa. Collecting food waste from four local businesses and two schools, they mix this with locally sourced carbon-rich material to create a microbially rich and carbon-sequestering growing matter. Part of their processing involves data collection, including knowing the weights of all inputs, and monitoring the temperatures of their compost heaps. They know exactly how much local food waste is being diverted from landfills to their site, and are proud that their hard mahi removes harmful pathogens and destroys unwanted seeds during the composting process.
To help achieve these goals, they have been given use of whenua at 75 Beach Road, Te Atatū North to establish a māra kai and a welcoming place to demonstrate these values. Having received seed funding from the Auckland Council via the Auckland Climate Grant, The Trusts, and Foundation North, they began turning an unused broken playground into a māra kai in March 2023. Since then, many volunteer hours have been gifted by Lila and Dalton, as well as from the wider community.