Orangihina Harbourview Reserve

Orangihina Harbourview Reserve, located in Te Atatū Peninsula is home to many threatened wetland ecosystems and species. Over time, these wetland habitats have degraded through agriculture, and development and are at risk of ongoing decline.

Supported in part through funding by Healthy Waters, Community Waitākere plays a central role in re-establishing the natural function of these wetland areas through re-planting, removing or controlling invasive pest plants, and supporting community led pest trapping efforts.

We achieve this through working alongside existing community efforts creating opportunities for engagement, education and training, with the intention to develop sustainable restoration efforts through fostering and development of connection within te taiao.

Overall, this project will have several important benefits:

  • Reducing sediment outflows into the upper Waitematā Harbour

  • Helping to protect existing rare and at-risk wetland plant habitats

  • Protection of native flora & fauna including the at-risk and declining Mātātā Fernbird and planting of the threatened swamp maire

  • Engaging with the local community to actively promote care of te taiao in relevant and meaningful ways

  • Helping to maintain essential habitats for threatened wetland (cryptic) bird species to maintain their continued presence at Orangihina, such as moho pereru / Banded Rai, puweto / Spotless Crake, mātātā matuku / Fernbird.

If you live in the area and are keen to get involved or to know more, we welcome you to get in touch!

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Te Au o Te Koopua


Leadership Development Programme